
Excuse me sir, have you lost your stamina? That's what I want to say to the current man of the month. All he ever wants to do is stay home and watch tv, cook, and eat. I don't mean to be vein, but comon' mister! I don't mind staying home sometimes but I also like to be active and go do things. It drives me nuts to just sit on the couch all day long doing nothing.

I think I realized this was a problem the day I brought my Nintendo Wii over to his house. The wii is designed to get people off their bums in a fun way so i figured it would be the perfect solution to the problem since we wouldn't have to "go anywhere" to do it. Do you want to know what he asked me?? "Is it possible to just play that game sitting right here on the couch?" Okay, that is the final straw. I think it's time for me to move on. Besides, his monthly subscription to Tracie is almost up anyway.

1 comment:

  1. This guy was on a trial run anyway and umm yah we won't go there on your psychotic ways...j/k ;)
